Ah yes, Sony's Smash Bros clone has finally been revealed. Formerly known as Title Fight, PlayStation AllStars Battle Royale has been made official by Sony and SuperBot Entertainment. Here's everything we know:
Playstation AllStars Battle Royale Overview
The game immediately looks almost identical to SSB, but with HD graphics. However, the mechanics of the game appear to be quite different. How you win (at least in the game mode shown) is what seems to set it apart from Smash. While in Smash your goal is to build up your opponents percenteage meter and them knock them off the stage, Battle Royale has no health bar at all. Instead, by fighting you earn AP, which builds up your super meter. The super meter has 3 levels, with level 3 being the largest and most effective attack. These supers are the only way to kill your opponent. An interesting and strange mechanic, but possibly brilliant one. This virtually eliminates camping or running, as you need to fight in order to get AP and kill your opponents.
Playstation AllStars Battle Royale Characters
SuperBot displayed 6 characters at the event- Radec (Killzone!), Fat Princess (Fat Princess), Kratos (God of War), Sweet Tooth/Needles Kane (Twisted Metal), Sly Cooper, and Parappa the Rapper- and each has a very unique style and feel. I'll break down each character and what we know about them so far
One of the least talked about of the characters revealed, as many didn't even know who he was. For those of you who don't know, he is a badass Helghast colonel and the final boss in Killzone 2 (possibly the greatest character in the series). He, as one might expect, relies very heavily on guns, and is said to bring SEVEN guns to fight with- a sniper, an assualt rifle, a flamethrower, a shotgun, an electric gun (see Killzone 3), and I'm not sure on the other two, though I believe he may have a rocket launcher. Thus, Radec is dominant at a distance, and the sniper in particular has been noted as especially deadly, with a large amount of kickback. His level 3 super involves him strapping into a jetpack and using a grenade launcher to rain down on the stage. Radec will be the first player I will use in the game, as I am a HUGE fan of the Killzone series.
Fat Princess
Probably the strangest inclusion thus far, and one of the most polarized characters. Some say that Fat Princess' close combat attacks are wildly effective, while others state that she's nearly unusable. Anyway, Fat Princess has a heavy reliance on her army of minions for her attacks, calling up warriors and mages for most of her mid-ranged attacks. Her supers seem to be some of the most interesting in the game. Her level one has her darting across the stage for a piece of cake, killing anyone in her path. Her level two sees her hopping onto a...giant chicken...yup. She proceeds to run around, killing anyone she touches while on it. Her level 3 is less interesting, and is almost identical to that of King Dedede is SSB.
Kratos has been noted as the most balanced of the fighters shown, somewhat like a Mario character. He has a good mix of short, medium, and long range attacks that make him a good choice for beginners. It has also been stated that Kratos feels remarkably similar to how he does in the God of War games. SuperBot even incorporated many of the combos that are present in his games. Kratos' level 3 super turns him into a giant form of himself with a giant sword (not sure exactly what the sword is, but I know it's something significant to his series).
Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth appears to be a fan favorite already. He is similar to Kratos in size, speed and variety of moves, but he appears to be a much more interesting character. Sweet Tooth has a moveset that involves molatov cocktails, mines, chainsaws, and all sorts of other f***ed up shananigans that don't belong in a kid-friendly fighting game. Oh, and a shotgun, too. But the icing on the cake is his level 3 super. It's truly a masterpiece. It sees Sweet Tooth climbing into the mech-form of his ice cream truck and destroying everyone with a gatling gun. Hats off to you, SuperBot, this one is fantastic.
Sly Cooper
Sly Cooper is the most mechanically interesting character shown so far. This is due primarily to his inability to block. Instead of blocking, Sly possesses the unique ability to become invisible temporarily. While invisible, Sly can steal the AP of other players. Apart from that, Sly is said to be the fastest character, but also weaker than most others. He has several dash moves that add to his speedy, thievish nature, and of course he uses his cane for melee attacks. His level 3 super is him using a camera to snap photos of his opponents, killing them instantly.
Honestly, this is the character I know least about. He uses a skateboard, microphone, and boombox in close combat. His main draw, however, is his ability to use his boombox to generate his own AP. This has me worried about how balanced he will be. Especially after you take into account Parappa's level 3 super, which consists of a short rap, followed by the death of everyone on screen. I see a potential flaw in balancing here.
Playstation AllStars Battle Royale Rumors
I'll be brief here, because I think I've dragged on long enough. a quote from voice actor Eric Laden, who plays Cole McGrath (InFamous), suggests that Cole, Nathan Drake, and Snake will all be in the game. IMBD also lists Kevin Butler of making an appearance in the game. Also, a Sony employee made a statement suggesting that a Vita version is in development as well. Stay tuned for more on these rumors.
Playstation AllStars Battle Royale Closing Comments
So far, Battle Royale is looking pretty good, and early impressions were widely positive. I am a little concerned about some potential balance issues, but I'm sure that they'll be taken care of. The gameplay looks great, and that's what really matters. Check back, as we will be posting more on PSASBR as new info is found. Also, please comment below and tell us what you think of what we've seen so far!