At the beginning of November, rumors began popping up abut a Sony equivalent to Super Smash Bros. Now, the game is seemingly all but confirmed- it has a developer, 8 confirmed characters, 3 confirmed stages, a supposed 2012 release, and Paul Gale (who broke the story) is promising new screenshots/ video by the end of the month. This artcile will break down the info and tell you all that you need to know about this rumored PS3 exclusive.
Title Fight: The Game
Not much is known about the gameplay, except that it will be extremely similar to Super Smash Bros- You can have up to four players at a time. As far as controls go, X is the jump button (characters can double jump), while square circle and triangle are all attack buttons, and R2 is used to pull off "supers." I'm still a little fuzzy on exactly how you earn power to use them, but it was mentioned that these supers will have three levels, each getting cooler and more powerful, with the third level resembling the power of a Final Smash move from Brawl.
Title Fight: The Developer
Title Fight is rumored to be in development at SuperBot Entertainment. SuperBot is a first-time Sony owned developer, and is known to be working on a very important PS3 exclusives, and it is widely accepted that this exclusive is Title Fight. The studio recently put out job ads looking for people with experience in both fighting games and online gaming.
Title Fight: The Confirmed Characters
Kratos (God of War)
Kratos was one of the first characters confirmed for Title Fight, and is said to be a heavy character that relies primarily on his chains but also has a chargeable spear move. His recovery is his wings, and in his level 3 Super he turns into his giant, armored form and uses a large sword that is a one hit kill.
Colonel Mael Radec (Killzone 2)
Originally rumored to be Rico, the Killzone 2 entry was switched to Colonel Radec, I'm guessing because he has much more personality and because the series is best known for the red-eyed Helghasts. Not much has bee revealed about Radec's fighting style, other than that he is a heavy character who uses mainly guns in combat. Personally, I'm hoping we see a teleporting move such as used in the Killzone 2 boss fight.
Nathan Drake (Uncharted)
A fairly obvious inclusion, Title Fight will feature Nathan Drake. A light character, Drake is supposedly very versatile, having his up-close melee attacks as well as a pistol, gernade, and rifle for ranged attacks. His recovery is said to be a zipline, and his level 3 Super turns the other fighters into "defenseless monsters," whatever that means.
Parappa the Rapper (Parappa the Rapper)
Aww yeah, some PSone throwback nostalgia here. Parappa is another confirmed character and is a light, fast moving character. His original voice actor is rumored to be working again here, and Parappa is said to be the most talkative of all the confirmed characters. As far as attacks, Parappa is said to have a skateboard attack and a boombox attack as well as kicking opponents.
Sweet Tooth (Twisted Metal)

Another very iconic character, Sweet Tooth is becoming very relevant again, between Title Fight and the new Twisted
Metal Game coming out in February. Sweet Tooth is a heavy character and not much else is known, but his level 3 Super has him turning into his ice cream truck mech, complete with a gatling gun. Sweet Tooth is also the only character of which we have a screen shot. It is a very early model, but it some of the little evidence that we have of this game's reality.
Sly Cooper (Sly Cooper)
Another character returning from Playstation limbo, Sly Cooper has recently seen the release of an HD collection and a fourth game is also being developed for 2012 release, and now this. Sly is a light character who will rely mostly on his cane for attacks . As for his level 3 super, Sly jumps off screen and an aiming reticle appears, as Bentley appears and tells Sly how to take out enemies. This seems to be very reminiscent of Snake's Final Smash from Brawl.
Fat Princess (Fat Princess)
Yup, you read that right. I have no idea how they will make a full character out of Fat Princess, and neither does Paul Gale (again, he's the one who broke the story), as he revealed virtually no details about the character, other than that she's a heavy fighter (go figure) and that her level 3 super involves her calling in her elves to help her out.
Jak and Daxter (Jak and Daxter)
An iconic PS2 pair from the makers of Uncharted, Jak and Daxter have earned a spot in Title Fight. I believe they fight as a pair but literally no details have been revealed about them. Overall this list is very robust so far. The game is expected to feature 20 (possibly more) fighters upon release with the possibility of more in the future in the form of DLC. There are 3 other characters currently being developed, one of which is a female (widely expected to be Nariko of Heavenly Sword). Also, There have been talks of James Bond joining the fight, as Sony is currently helping distribute the newest Bond movie,
Title Fight: The Stages
Only 3 stages have been confirmed so far, but they sound pretty good. The stages mix elements from different games, and the result sound very unique. The stages are also said to have stage-exclusive items
Sandover Village (Jak and Daxter)
Sandover Village is a fairly iconic location, and is a pretty good way to represent Jak and Daxter in my mind. This level has a giant shark that will eat you if you are in the water too long. The stage is also said to feature H0t Shots golfers in the background. The stage exclusive item here is a flag, and if you pick it up, the golfers will begin hitting flaming golfballs at your opponents.
Little Big Planet Stage (Little Big Planet)
No official name for this one yet, but it sound like a good stage. It features classic music from LBP, which is great news as LBP's soundtrack is fantastic. This level also features an exclusive item- the Buzz! remote. Upon picking up this item, Buzz appears on screen and asks a trivia question. At this time, four platforms appear, each with a different answer. You jump onto the platform with the answer you think is right, and everyone who is wrong gets KO'd.
Bridge of Asylia (Lair)
The latest stage to be confirmed, Bridge of Asylia. The level is going to feature music from Lair, and is the only confirmed stage to not feature another game. The exclusive item (This item is still an idea at this point) here is a sixaxis controller. When picked up, this item a Blood Dragon (I don't know what that is, I never played Lair, but it sounds cool) and you must tilt your actual controller back and forth to shoot down fiery blasts on your opponents.
Title Fight: The Closing Comments
So that's all the info we have on Title Fight right now, but I will continue to provide updates on this because I am STOKED for this. Paul Gale has stated that he will be providing images and/or video of the game by the end of December, so look back here or to paulgalenetwork.com for more on this game. We'd love to here your take on this so sound off in the comments below.
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